Thursday, September 29, 2011

Keep on Keepin On

I'm trying to keep mindful of The List in everything I do. At the moment I'm focussed on the 2 hardest items, reaching my goal weight and getting out of debt! Luckily for me, now is a perfect time for both of those things- a new acquisition at work has us BURIED! But that means there is lots of overtime to be had, and not a lot of time to lay around and home being lazy. As much as I'd love to see my department hitting it's goals, I love being able to do overtime. I'm pledging to work ever hour of overtime available to me until we're out of this hole. If I can stay motivated and really stick to it, I could be out of debt within a month or two (I only have around 3k in debt). To help shed some pounds in the midst of all this madness I'm accepting a couple things.
1. I do not have time to cook. If I buy myself lots of healthy things to make I will end up eating takeout. This is FACT. While it is far from ideal, I need to depend on the quick and easy options (like lean cuisine meals, canned soups, etc.). My goal is to eventually gravitate back to a paleo lifestyle. I was paleo for a couple months, was about 25 pounds lighter than I am now and was FIERCE. That is the goal.
2. I cannot and will not wakeup at the crack of dawn and workout. My shift is 11:30-8pm, we open for overtime at 7:30am and my commute is a half hour long. Yeah, not happening. But what I can do is bang out some wall pushups here and there, and use my breaks to hike the giant hill on our property. I can get in an hour of cardio if I walk on all my breaks. I have a little workout plan all set up for once this work situation is over, kind of an easy P90X using other DVDs I have, towards the end of November I'll be starting P90X Doubles (I've already completed P90X in the past) and during that time I'll be back to my strict Paleo.
So I guess it's kind of like this. While we're in this Overtime Time (makes it sound cuter than it is) I've got my training wheels on. Some artificially controlled portions, getting back in the swing of being generally more active. Then phase 2, training wheels come off. Now I'm really riding! Preparing my own meals, following a 6 days a week workout routine. Then I trade in my 2 wheeler for a mountain bike! P90X/Paleo time!
But of course it's one day at a time, I've got to keep on keepin on. Weigh ins will be Tuesdays, This last Tuesday I weighed in at 195.8, down from 198.4 the previous Tuesday. Small successes are still successes!

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